Top 7 health benefits of ginger


Ginger is a flowery root found almost everywhere around the world. It is the close relative of turmeric. Ginger is most commonly used in Indian households as a spice. Why ginger for health? Ayurveda also talked about ginger’s health benefits. Which has proven very effective for natural home remedies to cure or prevent chronic disease. … Read more

6 health benefits of yogurt


Yogurt is one of the superfoods, Which is well known for its cooling properties. It is widely consumed all over the world. Yogurt is also known as curd and it is a dairy product. About yogurt Which is made by curdling milk with edible acidic substances. Yogurt is rich in nutrients and an amazing source … Read more

What are the benefits of eating bananas


Banana is one of the most famous and consumable fruit all over the world. Everyone, us eat a banana without knowing its nutrient. We simply eat bananas because of their sweetness and smoothness. Which dissolve in our mouth in no time and making us eat more. Now let’s find out its nutrient and health benefits. … Read more