Health benefits of amla juice for everyday

Amla (Indian gooseberry) is well known for being a powerhouse of antioxidants & nutrients. It contains 8 times more antioxidants than lemon. which proves that it is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Indian gooseberry

It is rich in antioxidants protects us from free radicals. Which can damage cells, protein, and DNA. Amla can slow down the aging process and promote your skin, hair, immune, and health.


“Amla often reminds me, That even bitterly sour people can become sweet with time”.by HN

Ayurveda claim’s that amla can help to balance the doshas (Kapha/pitta/vista) in a body. That’s why Ayurveda comes in the superfood category.

1.Protect from cold and cough

As we know that amla is rich in vitamin C. That is why it’s commonly used to treat the common cold & flu. It has antioxidant properties treat common cold cough fastly.

Adding 2 tablespoons of amla juice/powder with the same amount of honey in one glass of lukewarm water to get rid of cold&cough in a short period of time.


2.Increase immunity

It has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties, supports your immune system, and flushes out the toxins from the body.

It is also rich in iron, calcium, and phosphorous, which make it natural immunity booster drink. Drink amla juice or eat 1to2 amla daily in the morning can gradually increase your immunity.


3.Boost hair health

It is famous for giving hair volume and shine because it contains amino acid or protein present in It helps to maintain hair health.

It is a natural tonic for improving overall hair health, by increasing blood circulation & strengthens hair follicles. Apply amla oil night before washing your hair.


4.Glowing skin

It is using as a natural home remedy since ancient times because it is the best anti-aging fruit to protect you from free radicals due to its antioxidants properties.

Which gives you blemish-free glowing skin. Adding 2 tablespoons of amla juice with the same amount of honey in normal water on a morning empty stomach.


5.Losses fat

This is the least talked about the fact about amla is that it can burn fat in our body. According to the doctor, a protein that was present in it helps prevent carving which eventually leads to a loss in weight.

It also reduces constipation-related problems such as stomach bloating and flushes out toxins from the body. Adding 2 tablespoons of amla in lukewarm water to burn excess fat from the body.


6.Control cholesterol

It is high in fiber content and acid-like tannic, regular consumption leads to reducing cholesterol levels and aid to the overall functioning of the heart. Drink amla juice regularly give you the best result.

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If you want all these benefits then start adding amla to your daily diet. You can add in any form like candy, murabba, pickle, etc. This berry is very versatile in nature.

But remember that excess use of it can lead to an upset stomach. So use it wisely to enjoy its health benefits.


Myth:- Consuming it can cause pigmentation.

Truth:- Excess consumption can cause pigmentation.

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