Top health benefits of tulsi leaf

As we all know that Tulsi leaf (holy basil) is a powerful herb, also known as (Queen of herbs). Tulsi has tonnes of benefits because it is rich in antioxidants. Which helps us fight against infections, viruses, allergies, and many more problems.

We can easily find this herb in Indian homes mostly in Hindu homes because it is worshiped as a goddess from ancient times in Hindu culture.

Tulsi can rightly be termed as one of the most commonly and widely used ingredients in many Indian home remedies.

Basil leaf

‘Plant more tulsi’ she said firmly. She is a mother of our basic necessities. by the fickling finger

So, In this article, we gonna see its health benefit which can be useful as home remedies. To cure all minor and major health-related problem

Clear skin

It has antioxidant properties and free radicals which helps us maintain the face free from acne, pimples, blemish, and other skin infections. Detoxifing the body and removes toxins from our body and enhances skin health.

Washing your face with plain water then apply. Tulsi pastes with neem paste to have spotless skin.


Reduce stress and anxiety

It has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties which are similar to antidepressant drugs like diazepam. Drinking Tulsi(holy basil) as a tea using basil leaves can give you better results because it is a caffeine-free drink.


Lower blood sugar and cholesterol level

All parts of the tulsi can reduce your blood sugar and cholesterol. The study found that giving extract of tulsi to humans after some week saw a 24% decrease in blood sugar and cholesterol.

Drink fresh tulsi juice with giloy daily for better results and to reduce inflammation.

Increase immunity

It is rich in vitamin C and zinc, which act as a natural immunity booster and prevent infections. This herb also has antibacterial and antiviral properties which help to fight infections and protect from catching a cold and cough.

Taking a fresh leaf of Tulsi with ginger juice with black pepper and adding honey can cure cough and cold in after 2 to 3 times in use you will see the result.


Strong hair

It helps to reduce the premature growth of grey hair. It has antifungal properties, which prevent the development of fungus and dandruff.

It also strengthens our hair roots, thus preventing hair loss. Apply Tulsi juice with aloe vera juice on your head 30 to 45 min before going to bath.


This herb has so many endless benefits. In Ayurveda, tulsi got its place as a precious herb of all time. Which has proven to be highly effective in protecting our body from various infections and diseases like heart, liver, skin, kidney, and many more.

Tulsi nowadays comes in headline due to coronavirus(covid-19) breakout because this virus attacks our respiratory system and starts with cough and cold.

But as we know we have the queen of herbs to enhance our immunity against this virus so why fear. But excess consumption of tulsi can be cautious.

It may reduce blood sugar levels and diarrhea. So, use this herb with caution and don’t overconsume.


Myth:- Tulsi can cause damage if you chew it

Truth:- Chew it or gulp with water it does not cause any damage.

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