Thing you may not know about clove (laung)

Clove is the flower buds of the clove tree, its botanical name is Syzygium aromatioum. For centuries clove has been using as for cooking and for medical purposes.

About C(love)

Due to being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. The powerful antioxidants present in its eugenol strengthen the immune and prevent the development of any chronic disease.

It contains rare components like manganese, which helps to manage the enzymes in the body that help to strengthen the bone. Clove is a great source of many bioactive components like flavonoids, eugenol, phenolics.

Which helps to kill viruses and bacteria in the body. Not only that clove also used as a common ingredient in Indian cuisine. Due to its sweet and aromatic fragrance.


“Clove is a love given by nature”.

Cure toothache

From ancient times clove oil is well known for soothing toothache instantly. The bioactive compound found in its works as natural anesthesia, which numb and reduces tooth pain.

It also contains analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. Which help to kill bacteria and prevent the development of plaque and cavity.

Treat cough

Clove contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Which helps in reducing the secretion of mucus in the chest & throat. Drinking clove tea with ginger and honey relive in cough.

This home remedy is using for ages to cure cough because its anti-inflammation compound soothes inflammation caused by a virus.

Regulate blood sugar

The studies found that clove extract helps to regulate blood sugar and boost insulin production. which is crucial to maintain blood glucose levels.

The antioxidant and polyphenols present in it reduces inflammation and keep in check glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Prevent skin problems

Clove has proven very effective in managing skin conditions like acne and pimple. The compound found in it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Which helps to kill acne-causing bacteria staphylococcus aureus cells. Clove oil contains antiseptic properties and contains compound eugenol that helps in treating acne and reduce swelling.

That’s nowadays clove has been using in a cosmetic cream to treat acne as well as an anti-aging cream.

Boost immunity

Clove is rich in vitamin C and antioxidant compounds, which were effective against harmful bacteria and viruses. The potent in it help in blood purification remove unnecessary toxins from the body.

Increase the production of WBC in the bloodstream, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

Great for bone & joint

It contains compound hydro alcoholic help to increase the bone density and minerals prevent bone fracture. Drinking clove tea after an intense workout soothes bone and joint soreness.


This amazing food is very easy to add to your daily diet. You just have to add 1 to 2 cloves whenever you make tea. Drinking tea not only increases energy level also decreases anxiety and stress.

It also keeps blood sugar check block the growth of bacteria. These low-calorie buds stimulate metabolism and helping in burning unnecessary fat deposited in the body.

So, try to add it to your diet the way you like. You can drink tea or can add to the meal you eat.


Myth:- It immediately cure toothache

Truth:- It works as anesthesia which numbs pain not cure.

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