Top 6 health benefits of aloe vera plant

aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the healthiest plants nature has to offer us. Which is using since ancient times being for medical purposes. It contains so many vital nutrients which were essential for our health. Aloe vera nutrients Like vitamins C, E, B12, B9, and minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc. The gel we … Read more

7 health benefits of giloy herb


In Ayurveda, giloy considers one of the best herbs for various types of fever and other conditions. Its stem considers highly effective due to its high nutritional content. It is also known as “the root of immortality”. Facts about giloy Giloy is also known as Amrita and Guduchi in Hindi and is scientifically known as … Read more

6 health benefits of yogurt


Yogurt is one of the superfoods, Which is well known for its cooling properties. It is widely consumed all over the world. Yogurt is also known as curd and it is a dairy product. About yogurt Which is made by curdling milk with edible acidic substances. Yogurt is rich in nutrients and an amazing source … Read more