Health benefits of buttermilk in summer


Buttermilk is one of the most hydrating drinks which is milk-based. The potent and probiotic found in it has a cooling effect and has many other health-related benefits. Why buttermilk, not soda? A chilled glass of buttermilk in summer cools down the body and quenches our thirst. It contains less fat and fewer calorie than … Read more

Top 5 Sugar drawback for health

sugar cubes

Sugar is widely consumed by everyone without knowing its drawback for health. In fact, according to nutritionists, we don’t need to consume white sugar, it doesn’t give any nutritional value. Why cut sugar from the diet It contains fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Mainly fructose which excess consumption can be harmful to our body. But removing … Read more

Top 5 benefits of coconut oil

coconut oil

Coconut oil is using since ancient times but nowadays, it gains popularity and is known as a superfood. The fatty acid coconut contains may have a positive effect on our bodies. Mother of all oil Like it may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. It raises High-density lipoprotein HDL good cholesterol, which is good for … Read more

7 health benefits of giloy herb


In Ayurveda, giloy considers one of the best herbs for various types of fever and other conditions. Its stem considers highly effective due to its high nutritional content. It is also known as “the root of immortality”. Facts about giloy Giloy is also known as Amrita and Guduchi in Hindi and is scientifically known as … Read more

Top 6 turmeric benefits for health


Turmeric is an herb that has one of the old and greatest histories from the centuries. Due to its medical uses and is a major part of the Ayurveda. In India, for the centuries it is used as a culinary spice and also in spiritual activity. Power of turmeric Turmeric is also known as the … Read more

Top benefits of lemongrass tea

lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea is one of the refreshing tea in the morning to start the day. Drinking this tea in the morning empty stomach can help to flushes out toxins and waste from the body. Teatox This tea is rich in antioxidants which protect our body from free radicals by detoxifying. Lemongrass tea is related to … Read more

Types of health benefits from sprouts


Sprouts are one of the superfoods from ancient times and are popular between sports and athletes. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants by eating them regularly can give us a lot of health benefits. Versatile food Basically sprouting is a natural process that leads to the germination of beans, seeds, grain, etc. By doing … Read more

Top benefits of drinking milk daily

milk and cookies

As we listening about milk since our childhood from our parents that, if we drink milk we grow stronger and taller. That was totally right drinking milk daily during our growing year can be beneficial for our physical growth. Milk fact It is packed with some vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin B, vitamin D, etc. … Read more