7 health benefits of eating avocado daily


Avocado is rich and single-seeded fruit. It has high fat and carbohydrates content and is still considered as healthiest fruit. It is an excellent source of potassium, folate, and fiber. Why Avocado is Superfruit? Avocado can be eaten raw like other fruit and usually, ½ of one avocado in a day is daily recommended. It … Read more

10 Amazing health benefits of eating garlic


Since ancient times garlic has always been part of every kitchen. There is something irresistible about the aroma of garlic, which shown its presence in the dish. For centuries garlic has been using in dishes and for medical purposes. About Garlic This herb has medical properties like antibacterial and antiseptic. According to Ayurveda garlic help … Read more

7 health benefits of eating raw tomatoes


Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable in the world and the most produced. About 177.04 metric tonnes of tomatoes are grown every year. Tomatoes are fruit or vegetable? This question has always been a debatable topic for centuries. About Tomatoes It is an essential part of many cuisines because it gives a juicy and sour … Read more

Thing you may not know about clove (laung)


Clove is the flower buds of the clove tree, its botanical name is Syzygium aromatioum. For centuries clove has been using as for cooking and for medical purposes. About C(love) Due to being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. The powerful antioxidants present in its eugenol strengthen the … Read more

Top 7 health benefits of fennel seed (sauf)

fennel seed

Fennel seed or we can say sauf, in Indian this seed mostly consumed after the meal to freshen up breath and stimulate breath. It contains vital minerals like zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, etc. About Sauf From ancient, times in Indian Fennel seeds are using for medical & as well as for culinary. That’s why most … Read more