6 reason why you should eat beetroot


Beetroot is the blessing of mother earth to us because this earthly food is loaded with vitamin A, C, minerals, calcium, fibre, iron, folate etc. Beetroot is vibrant red colour and has an earthly taste. Facts This superfood is used for medical purposes as well as for beauty cosmetics. In ancient times when cosmetics is … Read more

Top 7 health benefits of ginger


Ginger is a flowery root found almost everywhere around the world. It is the close relative of turmeric. Ginger is most commonly used in Indian households as a spice. Why ginger for health? Ayurveda also talked about ginger’s health benefits. Which has proven very effective for natural home remedies to cure or prevent chronic disease. … Read more

Top benefits of lemongrass tea

lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea is one of the refreshing tea in the morning to start the day. Drinking this tea in the morning empty stomach can help to flushes out toxins and waste from the body. Teatox This tea is rich in antioxidants which protect our body from free radicals by detoxifying. Lemongrass tea is related to … Read more

Types of health benefits from sprouts


Sprouts are one of the superfoods from ancient times and are popular between sports and athletes. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants by eating them regularly can give us a lot of health benefits. Versatile food Basically sprouting is a natural process that leads to the germination of beans, seeds, grain, etc. By doing … Read more

6 health benefits of yogurt


Yogurt is one of the superfoods, Which is well known for its cooling properties. It is widely consumed all over the world. Yogurt is also known as curd and it is a dairy product. About yogurt Which is made by curdling milk with edible acidic substances. Yogurt is rich in nutrients and an amazing source … Read more

Benefits of drinking green tea everyday

green tea

As we know that the tea is the most consumed beverage in the world Especially in the Asia region. In the last few decades, there is one tea which got popular. Due to its amazing health benefits that were Green tea. Evergreen tea In ancient times green tea was used as a traditional medicine to … Read more

Benefits of drinking coconut water in summer

coconut water

As we see in the past decade coconut water gain popularity. It is the most hydrating and nourishing drink nature has to offer. This natural beverage can restore electrolyte balance in the body. That’s why it is also known as a natural sports drink. Key nutrient  This drink is low in calories and contains vital … Read more

Health benefits of amla juice for everyday


Amla (Indian gooseberry) is well known for being a powerhouse of antioxidants & nutrients. It contains 8 times more antioxidants than lemon. which proves that it is an excellent source of vitamin C. Indian gooseberry It is rich in antioxidants protects us from free radicals. Which can damage cells, protein, and DNA. Amla can slow … Read more