7 health benefits of giloy herb


In Ayurveda, giloy considers one of the best herbs for various types of fever and other conditions. Its stem considers highly effective due to its high nutritional content. It is also known as “the root of immortality”. Facts about giloy Giloy is also known as Amrita and Guduchi in Hindi and is scientifically known as … Read more

Top 6 turmeric benefits for health


Turmeric is an herb that has one of the old and greatest histories from the centuries. Due to its medical uses and is a major part of the Ayurveda. In India, for the centuries it is used as a culinary spice and also in spiritual activity. Power of turmeric Turmeric is also known as the … Read more

Top benefits of drinking milk daily

milk and cookies

As we listening about milk since our childhood from our parents that, if we drink milk we grow stronger and taller. That was totally right drinking milk daily during our growing year can be beneficial for our physical growth. Milk fact It is packed with some vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin B, vitamin D, etc. … Read more

6 health benefits of yogurt


Yogurt is one of the superfoods, Which is well known for its cooling properties. It is widely consumed all over the world. Yogurt is also known as curd and it is a dairy product. About yogurt Which is made by curdling milk with edible acidic substances. Yogurt is rich in nutrients and an amazing source … Read more

Benefits of drinking green tea everyday

green tea

As we know that the tea is the most consumed beverage in the world Especially in the Asia region. In the last few decades, there is one tea which got popular. Due to its amazing health benefits that were Green tea. Evergreen tea In ancient times green tea was used as a traditional medicine to … Read more

Benefits of drinking coconut water in summer

coconut water

As we see in the past decade coconut water gain popularity. It is the most hydrating and nourishing drink nature has to offer. This natural beverage can restore electrolyte balance in the body. That’s why it is also known as a natural sports drink. Key nutrient  This drink is low in calories and contains vital … Read more

Health benefits of amla juice for everyday


Amla (Indian gooseberry) is well known for being a powerhouse of antioxidants & nutrients. It contains 8 times more antioxidants than lemon. which proves that it is an excellent source of vitamin C. Indian gooseberry It is rich in antioxidants protects us from free radicals. Which can damage cells, protein, and DNA. Amla can slow … Read more

Top health benefits of tulsi leaf

basil leaf

As we all know that Tulsi leaf (holy basil) is a powerful herb, also known as (Queen of herbs). Tulsi has tonnes of benefits because it is rich in antioxidants. Which helps us fight against infections, viruses, allergies, and many more problems. We can easily find this herb in Indian homes mostly in Hindu homes … Read more

Eating oats and oatmeal benefits for health


Oats are a rich source of protein, carb, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Oats is a whole grain gluten-free and rich source of antioxidants. That’s the reason why oatmeal became a popular breakfast meal. Start your day with oatmeal Whenever we heard about oats and oatmeal or a person who starts eating them, only one thing … Read more