Top 5 health benefits of spinach


Spinach is a green leafy vegetable, which is known for its tons of nutrients. Which benefits eye health, reduces oxidation stress, blood pressure, improves skin health, gives strength, etc. Why spinach In our childhood, we all see the anime “popeye the sailor man”. Where a sailor whose name was popeye whenever he found himself in … Read more

Top health benefits of eating almond daily


Almond is one of the most popular nuts which loaded with vital nutrients. From our childhood to adulthood, we all heard from our mother that eating almonds can sharpen our brains and give us good health. Nutritional value of almond Almond contains vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fat, and antioxidants. Which was hard to find in … Read more

Top benefits of dark chocolate for health

dark chocolate

Have you heard that chocolate can be beneficial for health? Despite its bad reputation that gains weight, tooth decay, and all. Every 9 out of 10 people love chocolate and approx 50% of people eat chocolate daily. Why Dark Chocolate But it is essential to choose right chocolate if want nutrient from it. Mostly cheap … Read more

Top 7 health benefits of ginger


Ginger is a flowery root found almost everywhere around the world. It is the close relative of turmeric. Ginger is most commonly used in Indian households as a spice. Why ginger for health? Ayurveda also talked about ginger’s health benefits. Which has proven very effective for natural home remedies to cure or prevent chronic disease. … Read more

7 health benefits of giloy herb


In Ayurveda, giloy considers one of the best herbs for various types of fever and other conditions. Its stem considers highly effective due to its high nutritional content. It is also known as “the root of immortality”. Facts about giloy Giloy is also known as Amrita and Guduchi in Hindi and is scientifically known as … Read more

Top benefits of drinking milk daily

milk and cookies

As we listening about milk since our childhood from our parents that, if we drink milk we grow stronger and taller. That was totally right drinking milk daily during our growing year can be beneficial for our physical growth. Milk fact It is packed with some vital nutrients like calcium, vitamin B, vitamin D, etc. … Read more